California Writers Club

Richard Bausch


Speaker: Richard Bausch

Topic: Author’s Journey

■ 9:00am – 9:30am Networking
■ 9:30am – 11:00am Guest Speaker

An acknowledged master of the short story form, Richard Bausch’s work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, Gentleman’s Quarterly, Harper’s, The Missouri Review, The New Yorker, Narrative, New Letters, Playboy, Ploughshares, The Southern Review, and they have been widely anthologized, including New Stories From the South, The Best American Short Stories, O. Henry Prize Stories,Pushcart Prize StoriesThe Granta Book of the American Short StoryThe Vintage Book of the Contemporary American Short Story, among others.

He has won two National Magazine Awards (one for The Atlantic and one for The New Yorker), a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Lila-Wallace Reader’s Digest Fund Writer’s Award, the Award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, The 2004 PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story, The Dayton Literary Peace Prize for his novel PEACE, and most recently the 2013 John William Corrington Award for Literary Excellence and the prestigious REA Award for Influence on the Form of Short Fiction. He has been with the Writing Program faculty at Chapman since 2012.

His story collection, The Fate of Others, will be published in May, 2025.